Posted December 18, 2014 1:28 pm by

bhi There is a movement afoot and gaining much ground these days concerning the lost tribes of Israel. This movement is generalized as the “Black Hebrew Israelites”. Several sects represent this religion and its members are those that have found refuge and acceptance in place of the streets which has left them desolate. All the more, the clerics and master(minds) of this new trend find it easier then to recruit loyal members to the doctrine and the cause.  They believe mainly that Abrahams’ son Isaac married Rebekka to then beget Jacob and his twin brother Esau,  in whom, they believe Esau was the first caucasian and that when the Lord returns with vengence against the ungodly that the “hebrew Israelites will be commanded (according to their doctrine) to kill all white people. A simple google search or through youtube will reveal many videos and posts that are published. Some of the less violent black hebrews unfortunately practice poligamy similiar to the “Mormons of later day saints”.

From their own bible version prefrence (JOHN 8:37)
I know that ye are Abraham’s seed; but ye seek to kill me, because my word hath no place in you.

A message from a Christian Brother

Vindicated News will be following this movement more closely. Stay tuned for future updates concerning this matter.